What is Drupal?

Whenever you are hunting for a secure and safe CMS platform, then you can confidently select the exact same app employed by the White House (WhiteHouse.gov) and also The Economist (Economist.com) – Drupal. The Drupal CMS is accessible for no extra charge, it is extremely simple to use and incredibly customizable. It allows you to build any kind of site within just minutes.

With over 500,000 effective members, Drupal has one of the several largest web application communities. The community has helped design hundreds of completely free Drupal web themes, has improved the core functionality of Drupal with lots of Drupal extensions and is also always ready to assist and share know–how about how things are done in the Drupal camp.

Drupal is a trademark of Dries Buytaert and shares no affiliation with DxineHost.

Drupal–Optimized Cloud Website Hosting Plans Services

By employing our Drupal cloud website hosting plans service, you will have your web site or application set up on the www in a matter of minutes. Just choose Drupal in the app drop–down menu on the order form and we’ll prepare your Drupal copy the second we create your account. Therefore you’ll be ready to start dealing with your site immediately after you log in.

Every single Drupal cloud website hosting plans plan features a number of service guarantees that make sure of the trouble–free effectiveness of your sites. We’re going to organize your Drupal account free of charge and will back it up with a 99.9% uptime guarantee. In addition, with the 30–day money–back guarantee, you can demand a reimbursement in case you are not completely satisfied.

A Point & Click Site Control Panel

The Drupal cloud website hosting plans offers provide a user–friendly Site Control Panel, that’s exclusively created by us. It is available in a variety of languages and designs, which means you can personalize it based on your preferences. The Control Panel comes with a point and click user interface that has a host of apps, that will provide you with total command over the content of your site.

You’ll receive a drag–and–drop File Manager where your Drupal files will be located, a Databases Manager for your personal databases, along with a fully featured Mail Account Manager from which you can control all of your e–mails. Furthermore, you will have access to an in–depth stats tool which will update you with real–time info about your traffic and resource consumption.