When it comes to hosting, cloud architecture refers to using a separate server for every single part of the hosting service. Such a configuration provides significantly better performance because one machine will be used just for file storage, a different one only for running databases, etcetera, which means that different system processes will not run on the exact same machine. The latter will lessen the probability of system errors significantly and will allow your Internet sites to operate faster, not mentioning the higher uptime. When you are looking for such a service, you should double check that you'll really get it as lots of companies advertise cloud hosting packages, yet the control panels they use aren't designed to function in a true cloud and can function only on a single server. The trouble with using just a single machine is that if one service crashes or generates high load, the whole server will most probably go offline, so your sites will no longer be accessible.

Genuine Cloud Architecture in Cloud Website Hosting

We have employed a real cloud hosting platform, so in case you acquire a shared hosting account from our company, you'll be able to use all advantages that this kind of a platform gives you. Whole clusters of servers will take care of your files, e-mail messages, visitor stats, databases, and so on, so if you host your sites on our end, you practically won’t have any downtime at any time. Our platform will guarantee fast and stable functioning of your websites and the system resources for them will be inexhaustible because if needed, we could attach more hard drives for additional storage space or entire servers for extra computing power to each of the clusters at any moment. The Hepsia Control Panel, that comes with every single account, was designed in-house with the concept to work on a true cloud platform and to use its entire potential.

Genuine Cloud Architecture in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you acquire a semi-dedicated server account from our company, you can take advantage of our genuine cloud hosting platform. Most of the plan capabilities which we provide are unrestricted for a reason - as each and every part of the Internet hosting service is handled by a separate cluster of servers, we don't have a restriction for the system resources that we can use, that in turn means that you won't have such a limit too. If extra storage space or processing power is needed, we just add more servers to the cluster that needs them. Unlike other providers, we use the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel which was designed to work in the cloud. It also runs on an individual cluster and it'll make it possible for you to use the entire potential of the cloud platform, so in case you host your sites with us, you'll get the power which you need along with a very quick and truly dependable service with no downtime.